Featured Articles
Kyoungeun Lee, Jaeyeop Lee, Yeyun Bae, Heejae Roh, Woon Ho Jung, Jaehoon Lim, Jaehoon Kim, Jeongkyun Roh, "Interfacial modification of ZnO/ZnMgO bilayer for efficient and stable InP quantum dot light-emitting diodes via ultraviolet ozone treatment", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, online published (2024) [link]
Minseok Choi, Woon Ho Jung, Jaeyeop Lee, Yeyun Bae, Kyoung-eun Lee, Jiyoon Oh, Jaehoon Lim, Seunghyun Rhee, Jeongkyun Roh, "Utilizing a compact diamino-based ligand as a charge balancer in quantum dot light-emitting diodes", Nanoscale Advances 6, 4369 (2024) [link] Selected as the cover paper
Heejae Roh, Kyoungeun Lee, Yeyun Bae, Jaeyeop Lee, Jeongkyun Roh, "Improved performance of all-solution-processed inverted InP quantum dot light-emitting diodes using electron blocking layer", Journal of Sensor Science and Technology 33, 224 (2024)
Jaeyeop Lee, Hyeona Jo, Minseok Choi, Sangwook Park, Jiyoon Oh, Kyoungeun Lee, Yeyun Bae, Seunghyun Rhee, Jeongkyun Roh "Recent progress on quantum dot patterning technologies for commercialization of QD-LEDs: Current status, future prospects, and exploratory approaches", Small Methods 8, 2301224 (2024) [link]
Jaehoon Kim, Jeongkyun Roh (co-first), Myoungjin Park, Changhee Lee "Recent advances and challenges of colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diodes for display applications", Advanced Materials 36, 2212220 (2024) [link] Selected as the back cover paper, Invited Review
Sangwook Park, Woon Ho Jung, Yeyun Bae, Jaehoon Lim, Jeongkyun Roh, “Improved charge balance in quantum dot light-emitting diodes using self-assembled monolayer”, Journal of Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IKEEE) 27, 30 (2023)
Seunghyun Rhee, Byeong Guk Jeong, Minseok Choi, Jaeyeop Lee, Woon Ho Jung, Jaehoon Lim, Jeongkyun Roh, "Versatile use of 1,12-diaminododecane as an efficient charge balancer for high-performance quantum-dot light-emitting diodes", ACS Photonics 10, 500 (2023) [link]
Jeong Ha Hwang, Eunyong Seo, Sangwook Park, Kyungjae Lee, Dong Hyun Kim, Seok Hyoung Lee, Yong Woo Kwon, Jeongkyun Roh, Jaehoon Lim, Donggu Lee, "All-solution-processed quantum dot light-emitting diode using phosphomolybdic acid as hole injection layer", Materials 16, 1371 (2023) [link]
Seunghyun Rhee, Byeong Guk Jeong, Jeongkyun Roh, "Light-emitting diodes based on a densely packed QD film deposited by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique", Journal of Sensor Science and Technology 31, 249 (2022)
Jeongkyun Roh, Swarup Biswas, Hyeong Won Lee, Yongju Lee, Jaeyeop Lee,Jaeyoul Kim, Changhee Lee, and Hyeok Kim, "Top-gate field-effect transistor as a testbed for evaluating the photostability of organic photovoltaic polymers", Solar RRL 6, 2100962 (2022) [link] Selected as the inside back cover paper
Myeongjin Park, Chan-mo Kang, Sangwook Park, Hyeona Jo, Jeongkyun Roh, "Effect of variations in the alkyl chain lengths of self-assembled monolayers on the crystalline-phase-mediated electrical performance of organic field-effect transistors", ACS Omega 6, 33639 [link] (2021)
Seunghyun Rhee, Dongju Jung, Dahin Kim, Doh C Lee, Changhee Lee, Jeongkyun Roh, "Polarized electroluminescence emission in high‐performance quantum rod light‐emitting diodes via the Langmuir‐Blodgett technique" Small 17, 2101204 (2021) [link] Selected as the inside front cover paper
Young-Shin Park, Jeongkyun Roh, Benjamin Diroll, Richard Schaller, Victor I. Klimov, "Colloidal quantum dot lasers", Nature Review Materials 6, 382 (2021) [link] Selected as the cover paper, Invited Review
Hyeong Jin Yun, Jaehoon Lim, Jeongkyun Roh, Darren Neo, Matt Law, Victor I. Klimov, "Solution-processable integrated CMOS circuits based on colloidal CuInSe2 quantum dots", Nature Communications 11, 5280 (2020) [link]
Seunghyun Rhee, Kyunghwan Kim, Jeongkyun Roh (*co-corresponding), and Jeonghun Kwak, "Recent progress in high-luminance quantum dot light-emitting diodes", Current Optics and Photonics 4 (2020) Invited Review [link]
Myeongjin Park, Jiyun Song, Heeyoung Jung, Myungchan An, Jaehoon Lim, Changhee Lee, Jeongkyun Roh (*co-corresponding), Donggu Lee, "Improving performance of inverted blue QD‐LEDs by adopting organic/inorganic double electron transport layer", Physica Status Solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 14, 1900737 (2020) [link]
Myeongjin Park, Jeongkyun Roh, Jaehoon Lim, Hyunkoo Lee, Donggu Lee, "Double metal oxide electron transport layers for colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diodes", Nanomaterials 10, 726 (2020) [link]
Myeongjin Park, Jiyun Song, Myungchan An, Jaehoon Lim, Changhee Lee, Jeongkyun Roh (*co-corresponding), Donggu Lee, "Colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diodes employing solution-processable tin dioxide nanoparticles in an electron transport layer", RSC Advances 10, 8261 (2020) [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Young-Shin Park, Jaehoon Lim, Victor I. Klimov, "Optically pumped colloidal-quantum-dot lasing in LED-like devices with an integrated optical cavity", Nature communicaions 11, 271 (2020). [link]
Oleg V. Kozlov, Young-Shin Park, Jeongkyun Roh, Igor Fedin, Tom Nakotte, Victor I. Klimov, "Sub-single-exciton lasing using charged quantum dots coupled to a distributed feedback cavity", Science 365, 672 (2019). [link]
Chan-Mo Kang, Jeongkyun Roh, Hyeonwoo Shin, Changhee Lee, Hyunkoo Lee, "Investigation of improved performance for organic rectifying diodes via electrical annealing", IEEE Access 7, 84082 (2019). [link]
Won-Mook Kang, In-Tak Cho, Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, Jong-Ho Lee, “Low-frequency noise characteristics in multi-layer WSe2 field effect transistors with different contact metals”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 19, 6422 (2019). [link]
Hyeonwoo Shin, Jeongkyun Roh (co-first), Jiyoung Song, Heebum Roh, Chan‐Mo Kang, Taesoo Lee, Gunbaek Park, Kunsik An, Jun Young Kim, Hyoseok Kim, Jeonghun Kwak, Changhee Lee, Hyeok Kim, “Highly stable organic transistors on paper enabled by a simple and universal surface planarization method”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1801731 (2019). Selected as the front cover paper [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Jae Hyeon Ryu, Geun Woo Baek, Heeyoung Jung, Seung Gi Seo, Kunsik An, Byeong Guk Jeong, Doh C Lee, Byung Hee Hong, Wan Ki Bae, Jong‐Ho Lee, Changhee Lee, Sung Hun Jin, “Threshold voltage control of multi-layered MoS2 field-effect transistors via octadecyltrichlorosilane and their applications to active matrixed quantum dot displays driven by enhancement-mode logic gates”, Small 15, 1803852 (2019). Selected as the inside front cover paper [link]
Yeonkyung Lee, Byeong Guk Jeong, Heebum Roh, Jeongkyun Roh, Jongseok Han, Doh C. Lee, Wan Ki Bae, Jae‐Yup Kim, Changhee Lee, “Enhanced lifetime and efficiency of red quantum dot light-emitting diodes with Y-doped ZnO sol-gel electron-transport layers by reducing excess electron injection”, Advanced Quantum Technology 1, 1700006 (2018). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, “Bias stability modulated by the surface-polarity control of gate dielectrics in organic field-effect transistors”, Science of Advanced Materials 10, 288 (2018). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Hyeok Kim, Myeongjin Park, Jeonghun Kwak, Changhee Lee, “Improved electron injection in all-solution-processed n-type organic field-effect transistors with an inkjet-printed ZnO electron injection layer”, Applied Surface Science 420, 100 (2017). [link]
Dong-Seok Song, Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, Jin-Hyuk Bae, Hyeok Kim, “Electron clouding effect for improvement of electron injection in a solution-processed organic diode with dipolar self-assembled monolayers”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17, 7275 (2017). [link]
Jun Young Kim, Jaehoon Kim, Jason J. Amsden, Jeongkyun Roh, Insun Park, Do Y. Yoon, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, “Temperature dependence and impedance characteristics of hybrid solar cells based on poly(phenylene vinylene): ZnO nanoparticles with added surfactants”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7, 1031 (2017). [link]
Guhyun Kwon, Keetae Kim, Byung Doo Choi, Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, Yong-Young Noh, SungYong Seo, Myung-Gil Kim, Choongik Kim, “Multifunctional organic-semiconductor interfacial layers for solution-processed oxide-semiconductor thin-film transistor”, Advanced Materials 29, 1607055 (2017). [link]
Dong-Seok Song, Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, Dae Young Shin, Jin-Hyuk Bae, Hyeok Kim, “Hole injection in n-Type organic semiconductors by tuning metal work function with functional self-assembled monolayers”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17, 3378 (2017). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Taesoo Lee, Chan-mo Kang, Jeonghun Kwak, Philippe Lang, Gilles Horowitz, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, “Injection-modulated polarity conversion by charge carrier density control via a self-assembled monolayer for all-solution-processed organic field-effect transistors”, Scientific Reports 7, 46365 (2017). [link]
Won-Mook Kang, In-Tak Cho, Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, Jong-Ho Lee, “High-gain complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor inverter based on multi-layer WSe2 field effect transistors without doping”, Semiconductor Science and Technology 31, 105001 (2016). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Hyeonwoo Shin, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, “Polymer interfacial layer with high glass transition temperature for improvement of bias stability in organic field-effect transistors”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16, 10325 (2016). [link]
Jongseok Han, Donghyun Ko, Myeongjin Park, Jeongkyun Roh, Heeyoung Jung, Yongwon Kwon, Yeonkyung Lee, Jiho Sohn, Wan Ki Bae, Byung Doo Chin, Changhee Lee, “Toward high resolution inkjet-printed quantum dot light-emitting diodes for next generation display”, Journal of the Society for Information Display 24, 545 (2016). Selected as the front cover image. [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Jong-Ho Lee, Sung Hun Jin, Changhee Lee, “Negligible hysteresis of molybdenum disulfide field-effect transistors by employing thermal annealing”, Journal of Information Display 17, 103 (2016). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Heebum Roh, Hyeonwoo Shin, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, “Organic complementary ring oscillators using a functional polymer interfacial layer for highly improved oscillation frequency”, Polymer Bulletin 73, 2531 (2016). [link]
Jun Young Kim, Jaehoon Kim, Jeongkyun Roh, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, “Efficiency improvement of organic photovoltaics adopting Li- and Cd-doped ZnO electron extraction layers”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6, 930 (2016). [link]
Hyung-Jun Song, Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, “Simultaneous engineering of the substrate temperature and mixing ratio to improve the performance of organic photovoltaic cells”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 5104 (2016). [link]
Chan-mo Kang, Jessica Wade, Sumin Yun, Jaehoon Lim, Hyunduck Cho, Jeongkyun Roh, Hyunkoo Lee, Sangwook Nam, Donal D. C. Bradley, Ji-Seon Kim, Changhee Lee, “1-GHz pentacene diode rectifiers enabled by controlled film deposition on SAM-treated Au anodes”, Advanced Electronic Materials 2, 1500282 (2016). Selected as the front cover image [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, In-Tak Cho, Hyeonwoo Shin, Geun Woo Baek, Byung Hee Hong, Jong-Ho Lee, Sung Hun Jin, Changhee Lee, “Fluorinated CYTOP passivation effects on electrical reliability of multilayer MoS2 field-effect transistors”, Nanotechnology, 26, 455201 (2015). [link]
Jun Young Kim, Eunae Cho, Jaehoon Kim, Hyeonwoo Shin, Jeongkyun Roh, Mariyappan Thambidurai, Chan-mo Kang, Hyung-Jun Song, SeongMin Kim, Hyeok Kim, Changhee Lee, “Improved photovoltaic performance of inverted polymer solar cells through a sol-gel processed Al-doped ZnO electron extraction layer”, Optics Express 23, 243417 (2015). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, Jeonghun Kwak, Byung Jun Jung, Hyeok Kim, “Vapor-phase-processed fluorinated self-assembled monolayer for organic thin-film transistors”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 67, 941 (2015). [link]
In-Tak Cho, Jong In Kim, Yoonki Hong, Jeongkyun Roh, Hyeonwoo Shin, Geun Woo Baek, Changhee Lee, Byung Hee Hong, Sung Hun Jin, Jong-Ho Lee, “Low frequency noise characteristics in multilayer WSe2 field effect transistor”, Applied Physics Letters 106, 023504 (2015). [link]
Jong-Woon Ha, Yuntae Kim, Jeongkyun Roh, Jong Il Park, Jeonghun Kwak, Changhee Lee, Do-Hoon Hwang, “Thermally curable polymers consisting of alcohol-functionalized cyclotetrasiloxane and melamine derivatives for use as insulators in OTFTs”, Organic Electronics 15, 3666 (2014). [link]
Jong‐Woon Ha, Yuntae Kim, Jeongkyun Roh, Fei Xu, Jong Il Park, Jeonghun Kwak, Changhee Lee, Do‐Hoon Hwang, “Thermally curable organic/inorganic hybrid polymers as gate dielectrics for organic thin‐film transistors”, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 52, 3260 (2014). [link]
Chan-Mo Kang, Hyunduck Cho, Myeongjin Park, Jeongkyun Roh, Changhee Lee, “Effects of insertion of hole injection layers on pentacene rectifying diodes”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 14, 5301 (2014). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Chan-mo Kang, Jeonghun Kwak, Changhee Lee, Byung Jun Jung, “Overcoming tradeoff between mobility and bias stability in organic field-effect transistors according to the self-assembled monolayer chain lengths”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 173301 (2014). [link]
Yuntae Kim, Jeongkyun Roh, Ji-Hoon Kim, Chan-Mo Kang, In-Nam Kang, Byung Jun Jung, Changhee Lee, Do-Hoon Hwang, “Photocurable propyl-cinnamate-functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane as a gate dielectric for organic thin film transistors”, Organic Electronics 14, 2315 (2013). [link]
Jeongkyun Roh, Jaemin Lee, Chan-mo Kang, Changhee Lee, Byung Jun Jung, “Air stability of PTCDI-C13 based n-OFETs on polymer interfacial layers”, Physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters 7, 469 (2013).
Jung Yong Kim, Seunguk Noh, Young Min Nam, Jun Young Kim, Jeongkyun Roh, Myeongjin Park, Jason J. Amsden, Do Y. Yoon, Changhee Lee, Won Ho Jo, “Effect of nanoscale SubPc interfacial layer on the performance of inverted polymer solar cells based on P3HT/PC71BM”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3, 4279 (2011). [link]